<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
mySoftwareListGUID = "9B164628-736A-427D-A0CB-D21F2167EAD2";
mySoftwareViewGUID = "32A08E36-310B-4322-9A8A-A88F9867424A";
// function to retrieve data from the Software to Review (Auth & Unauth) List
$(document).ready(function ()
var soapEnvMS ="<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> \
<soapenv:Body> \
<GetListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'> \
<listName>{" + mySoftwareListGUID + "}</listName> \
<viewName>{" + mySoftwareViewGUID + "}</viewName> \
</GetListItems> \
</soapenv:Body> \
url: listsWSURL,
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnvMS,
complete: processResultMS,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
// function called when data is retrieved. Processes data and renders HTML table
function processResultMS(xData, status)
if ($(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").length == 0)
var msg = '<div id=\"SAM27\">There is no software to display in this section. Please check the other tab. You do not need to perform the software review due to one of the following reasons:<ol><li>You only have standard/core applications installed on your machine (no further action needed)</li><li>You are a member of a group that share a machine (no further action needed)</li><li>We do not have information regarding your software (no further action needed for the moment)</li></ul></div>';
var tableHeader = '<table class=\"SAMList\"><tr><th style=\"text-align: left;\"><div id=\"SAM22\">Application</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM23\">Version</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM24\">I need this to do my job</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM25\">I don\'t need this to do my job</div></th></tr>';
var tableFooter = '</table>';
var tableRows = '';
$(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").each(function () {
var applicationName = $(this).attr("ows_Title");
var applicationPublisher = $(this).attr("ows_Publisher");
var applicationVersion = $(this).attr("ows_Application_x0020_Version");
//var machineID = $(this).attr("ows_MachineID");
//var userName = $(this).attr("ows_Username");
//var status = $(this).attr("ows__Status");
var itemID = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
var needed = $(this).attr("ows_Needed");
var notNeeded = $(this).attr("ows_NotNeeded");
needed = buildCheckboxMS(itemID, needed, 'Needed', '\'#' + itemID + '_NotNeeded\'');
notNeeded = buildCheckboxMS(itemID, notNeeded, 'NotNeeded', '\'#' + itemID + '_Needed\'');
tableRows += '<tr><td>' + applicationPublisher + ' ' + applicationName + '</td><td>' + applicationVersion + '</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\">' + needed + '</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\">' + notNeeded + '</td></tr>';
$('#SAMAuthorisedUnauthorisedList').append(tableHeader + tableRows + tableFooter);
// function to create Checkboxes with initial checked value
function buildCheckboxMS(id, initialValue, field, otherID)
if (initialValue == 1)
return '<input class=\"SAMMSCheckBox\" type=\'checkbox\' id=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' value=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' onclick=\"checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(this, ' + otherID + ')\" checked />';
return '<input class=\"SAMMSCheckBox\" type=\'checkbox\' id=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' value=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' onclick=\"checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(this, ' + otherID + ')\" />';
// function to handle the mutually exclusive checkboxes
function checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(id, otherID)
if (id.checked)
// function to build each row of the Write-back XML payload
function buildMSMethodPayload(methodId, id, value)
var field = id.split('_')[1];
id = id.split('_')[0];
return "<Method ID='" + methodId + "' Cmd='Update'><Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field><Field Name='" + field + "'>" + value + "</Field></Method>";
// function to perform the Write-back of data
function updateListItemMS()
var soapEnvMSWriteBackHeader =
"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> \
<soapenv:Body> \
<UpdateListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'> \
<listName>{" + mySoftwareListGUID + "}</listName> \
<updates> \
<Batch OnError='Continue' ListVersion='1' ViewName='" + mySoftwareViewGUID + "'>";
var soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload = "";
var count = 1;
$('.SAMMSCheckBox').each(function () {
soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload += buildMSMethodPayload(count++, this.value, this.checked);
var soapEnvMSWriteBackFooter =
"</Batch> \
</updates> \
</UpdateListItems> \
</soapenv:Body> \
var soapEnvMSWriteBack = soapEnvMSWriteBackHeader + soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload + soapEnvMSWriteBackFooter;
url: listsWSURL,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnvMSWriteBack,
complete: processResultMSWriteBack,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
// function called when Write-back completes. Shows outcome message
function processResultMSWriteBack(xData, status)
var msg = $('#SAM28').text();
if (status != "success") {
msg = $('#SAM29').text();
<div id="SAM20" class="SAMHeading">Software to review</div>
<br />
<div id="SAM21">Please confirm if you need the software listed below to do your job. Use the scroll bar to navigate.<br /><br />If the software is no longer required you can either remove this now or it will be removed for you at a later stage.<br /><br />If you need help removing software, you can find an easy to follow guide in our 'How to Guides' area above, or you can get help by selecting 'Request Help' above.<br /><br /><strong>When finished please click 'save'</strong></div>
<br />
<div class="SAMButtonContainer"><input id="SAM32" class="SAMButton" type="button" value="Save" onclick="javascript: updateListItemMS()" /></div>
<div id="SAMAuthorisedUnauthorisedList" class="SAMList"></div>
<br />
<div class="SAMButtonContainer"><input id="SAM26" class="SAMButton" type="button" value="Save" onclick="javascript: updateListItemMS()" /></div>
<div style="display: none;" id="SAM28">Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Software Review</div>
<div style="display: none;" id="SAM29">An error has occurred while saving your updates. Please reload the page and re-enter your changes</div>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
mySoftwareListGUID = "9B164628-736A-427D-A0CB-D21F2167EAD2";
mySoftwareViewGUID = "32A08E36-310B-4322-9A8A-A88F9867424A";
// function to retrieve data from the Software to Review (Auth & Unauth) List
$(document).ready(function ()
var soapEnvMS ="<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> \
<soapenv:Body> \
<GetListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'> \
<listName>{" + mySoftwareListGUID + "}</listName> \
<viewName>{" + mySoftwareViewGUID + "}</viewName> \
</GetListItems> \
</soapenv:Body> \
url: listsWSURL,
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnvMS,
complete: processResultMS,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
// function called when data is retrieved. Processes data and renders HTML table
function processResultMS(xData, status)
if ($(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").length == 0)
var msg = '<div id=\"SAM27\">There is no software to display in this section. Please check the other tab. You do not need to perform the software review due to one of the following reasons:<ol><li>You only have standard/core applications installed on your machine (no further action needed)</li><li>You are a member of a group that share a machine (no further action needed)</li><li>We do not have information regarding your software (no further action needed for the moment)</li></ul></div>';
var tableHeader = '<table class=\"SAMList\"><tr><th style=\"text-align: left;\"><div id=\"SAM22\">Application</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM23\">Version</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM24\">I need this to do my job</div></th><th><div id=\"SAM25\">I don\'t need this to do my job</div></th></tr>';
var tableFooter = '</table>';
var tableRows = '';
$(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").each(function () {
var applicationName = $(this).attr("ows_Title");
var applicationPublisher = $(this).attr("ows_Publisher");
var applicationVersion = $(this).attr("ows_Application_x0020_Version");
//var machineID = $(this).attr("ows_MachineID");
//var userName = $(this).attr("ows_Username");
//var status = $(this).attr("ows__Status");
var itemID = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
var needed = $(this).attr("ows_Needed");
var notNeeded = $(this).attr("ows_NotNeeded");
needed = buildCheckboxMS(itemID, needed, 'Needed', '\'#' + itemID + '_NotNeeded\'');
notNeeded = buildCheckboxMS(itemID, notNeeded, 'NotNeeded', '\'#' + itemID + '_Needed\'');
tableRows += '<tr><td>' + applicationPublisher + ' ' + applicationName + '</td><td>' + applicationVersion + '</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\">' + needed + '</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\">' + notNeeded + '</td></tr>';
$('#SAMAuthorisedUnauthorisedList').append(tableHeader + tableRows + tableFooter);
// function to create Checkboxes with initial checked value
function buildCheckboxMS(id, initialValue, field, otherID)
if (initialValue == 1)
return '<input class=\"SAMMSCheckBox\" type=\'checkbox\' id=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' value=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' onclick=\"checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(this, ' + otherID + ')\" checked />';
return '<input class=\"SAMMSCheckBox\" type=\'checkbox\' id=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' value=\'' + id + '_' + field + '\' onclick=\"checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(this, ' + otherID + ')\" />';
// function to handle the mutually exclusive checkboxes
function checkOrUnCheckCheckbox(id, otherID)
if (id.checked)
// function to build each row of the Write-back XML payload
function buildMSMethodPayload(methodId, id, value)
var field = id.split('_')[1];
id = id.split('_')[0];
return "<Method ID='" + methodId + "' Cmd='Update'><Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field><Field Name='" + field + "'>" + value + "</Field></Method>";
// function to perform the Write-back of data
function updateListItemMS()
var soapEnvMSWriteBackHeader =
"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> \
<soapenv:Body> \
<UpdateListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'> \
<listName>{" + mySoftwareListGUID + "}</listName> \
<updates> \
<Batch OnError='Continue' ListVersion='1' ViewName='" + mySoftwareViewGUID + "'>";
var soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload = "";
var count = 1;
$('.SAMMSCheckBox').each(function () {
soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload += buildMSMethodPayload(count++, this.value, this.checked);
var soapEnvMSWriteBackFooter =
"</Batch> \
</updates> \
</UpdateListItems> \
</soapenv:Body> \
var soapEnvMSWriteBack = soapEnvMSWriteBackHeader + soapEnvMSWriteBackPayload + soapEnvMSWriteBackFooter;
url: listsWSURL,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnvMSWriteBack,
complete: processResultMSWriteBack,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
// function called when Write-back completes. Shows outcome message
function processResultMSWriteBack(xData, status)
var msg = $('#SAM28').text();
if (status != "success") {
msg = $('#SAM29').text();
<div id="SAM20" class="SAMHeading">Software to review</div>
<br />
<div id="SAM21">Please confirm if you need the software listed below to do your job. Use the scroll bar to navigate.<br /><br />If the software is no longer required you can either remove this now or it will be removed for you at a later stage.<br /><br />If you need help removing software, you can find an easy to follow guide in our 'How to Guides' area above, or you can get help by selecting 'Request Help' above.<br /><br /><strong>When finished please click 'save'</strong></div>
<br />
<div class="SAMButtonContainer"><input id="SAM32" class="SAMButton" type="button" value="Save" onclick="javascript: updateListItemMS()" /></div>
<div id="SAMAuthorisedUnauthorisedList" class="SAMList"></div>
<br />
<div class="SAMButtonContainer"><input id="SAM26" class="SAMButton" type="button" value="Save" onclick="javascript: updateListItemMS()" /></div>
<div style="display: none;" id="SAM28">Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Software Review</div>
<div style="display: none;" id="SAM29">An error has occurred while saving your updates. Please reload the page and re-enter your changes</div>
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